Imagine being in front of your audience, every. single. day.

Adding value, connecting with them as they move through their days, weeks and months.

With the benefit of our smart phones, calendars no longer have to just be a static wall hanging, they can become a meaningful conversation, a part of a family's daily routine, a fellow business owner's monthly support, a client's personal development journey, an employee's reference, or a student's mental wellbeing.

It's time to level up the humble calendar, and make it a workable, sales asset for your business!

connecting has never been so easy

do something different

Start a monthly conversation with your audience.

An interactive calendar is going to give your business the opportunity to share your knowledge and expertise with your audience in a unique and fun way, and best of all, you share it monthly. 

Unlike a newsletter or blog post, which are rarely read with the overwhelming amount of emails we receive on a daily basis these days, an interactive calendar is something physical and tangible that you know your customer is going to put their hands on at the very least once a month. It is the perfect engagement tool. 

Depending on the nature of your business, the calendar may be an advertising investment where you give the calendars away for free eg. councils, real estate agents, spas, wellness centres. Or, you may sell the calendar as a valuable product to generate an additional income stream eg. course creators, florists, food bloggers, community groups.

possibilities are endless!

custom content


Click the QR code visible on the calendar. This can be positioned on the image page or the date page. If the user does not have a smart phone, a url address can also be added in text to be entered manually.


The user opens the content on their mobile device, and can then share the content to their computer (instructions can be built in to the landing page). If it's just a website the user is directed to, the process is complete. 


If you want to provide downloadable information, the user can click from the previous screen and be sent to the destination of your choice:
- downloadable PDF's, audios, videos
- Canva templates
- course content login page

Using a simple QR code, you have a captive audience, year round. 

custom content

let's discuss how this works for you...


What's so special about a simple calendar?

Oh so much!
Everybody loves calendars, just about every family has one pinned up in the kitchen, home office or hallway. Kids activities get added, family trips, when the bills fall due, vet visits, appointments… everything a family needs to stay organised. 
But why just have a pretty picture for the month when you can add value, stay engaged, and continue the conversation with your customers all the way through the year? 

ideal for:


This is a perfect way to keep your guests engaged and top of mind after their stay. Direct them back to your website every month by drip feeding valuable wellness content that makes a difference to their month. 


Did you know that the average completed for an online course is between 3 and 6%?! A calendar will keep your content top of mind and have your participants engaged and showing up consistently.


A perfect start of the year gift for your staff and employees, an opportunity to focus on mental wellbeing and corporate values, both through the physical calendar, and downloadable digital content. 


Whether you’re a food blogger, a life coach, florist or baker, a calendar will keep you top of mind and offer you a platform to position yourself as an expert in your industry by sharing valuable content every month. 

real estate agents

The perfect way to stay top of mind! Share properties sold, monthly rentals or what’s happening in the local area every month. Don’t let your agency be boring with the old static fridge magnet, here’s a great way to get creative!


A great companion to the school diary, a calendar is functional for both parents and students. Help them with their growth mindset every month, or perhaps share a monthly worksheet on school values.

let's discuss how this works for you...


We provide the link to a completed  print-ready calendar template in Canva. We provide comprehensive video tutorials to ensure you know how to change images, text, create your QR codes and how to link them. 


You provide the content and imagery for your calendar, we provide you with a professional branded calendar design and print ready artwork. 
The calendar is interactive, with QR code/s going back to your website, or links of your choice. 

bespoke design

We work with you collaboratively to create the perfect solution for your audience. We can help with imagery, content curation, even mapping out a complete 12 month course. Includes technical installation of content as well as print ready calendar artwork.

We offer 3 ways of creating your calendar:


buy template now

enquire now

enquire now



Your business name becomes part of the household. Every month offering a new piece of advice, wisdom or suggestion. 


Stay top of mind in your customers eyes every single day, week and month.


With the use of QR codes you can send your customers to a specific website page, document or download to continue the conversation throughout the year. 


Again, through the use of QR codes, and cleverly designed monthly pages, you can offer your customers/clients ongoing education throughout the year. Maintaining connection and interest in your products & services.


Let's Chat. 

If this sounds like something that would benefit your business, let's have a chat. We can throw around some ideas, chat about how it would specifically help your business, and talk budget. No pressure, just a chat.

schedule a chat

Using your QR code you could link to a monthly page like this, with exclusive content and offerings for the month ahead. Share a blog post, downloadable content, your latest products, podcast and services. Most importantly, it's an opportunity to engage and keep the conversation going. 



Our nursery owner, Sarah, sends monthly newsletters to let her customers know what's in season and what's good to plant this month. She includes a link to her online shop so her seeds can be purchased directly, and she shares information about a 'spotlight' plant. The trouble is, Sarah only gets an 11% open rate for her newsletters and an even lower 2% click rate through to her online store. 
Sarah decides to give away a calendar to her VIP customers over the months of Nov, Dec & Jan, and have copies on the shelf as a product for other customers. She uses the monthly space to design a beautiful page that showcases a plant that is suitable for planting that month, along with a few tips of the trade. She the uses the QR code feature to link to a landing page that contains further practical information, along with a link to her online shop. 
On some months Sarah shares a discount code for her VIP customers to use in her online store, and on her sale month of June, she uses the QR code to link directly to her online store sale page.
Her monthly newsletter still gets sent and supports the information provided in the calendar.
Sarah has increased traffic (and sales!) to her online store and her nursery, stays top of mind to her customers each month, and loves that she can educate and support her novice and expert gardeners in such an interactive way.

Case Study

- Increased traffic to her 
- Generated more sales
- Stayed engaged and top of
  mind throughout the year


click here to be like sarah

This kind of program works because it does what your existing marketing can't. 


I know I've said it a few times now, but what can be better than getting in front of your audience on such a consistent basis?
When a Google ad click through rate is considered great at 2-4%, when we get excited about an average email open rate of 16%, when we're ok with our website pages have a bounce rate of over 80%, and when thumbs scroll quicker than we have time to process the media, seriously, there has to be a better way!
And this is it. A calendar hangs front and centre in the family home. Combine it with beautiful design and practical, valuable easy to access monthly content, and your audience just got 12 x more engaged. 

Kids love to learn, they have a thirst for it and thrive on praise and acknowledgement.
Every school wants to encourage a growth mindset, resilience, kindness and friendship. With time being a precious commodity, these skills can often be learnt 'on the go' and as a result of a school experience, rather than an intentional practice.
At the start of the school year the children received a calendar and took it home with a leaflet for parents explaining how it works and the purpose behind the calendar. 
Growth mindset worksheets, engaging colouring pages, times tables printables, activity sheets, affirmation printables and fun chore charts are just some of the downloadable resources the children were able to download with their parents every month, over the course of the year. 
All worksheets and resources were pre-designed according to the school values, branding and ethics, meaning valuable time was not taken away from the teachers and they received no additional work load. 
The result; more engaged, resilient children. The sharing of resources amongst groups of friends, parents feeling more connected with the school and their child's learning.

How did it work?
The school created a landing page on their website that was updated every month with the new downloadable resources, accessed by the QR code on the calendar, and via the student portal for anyone that did not have a smart phone. The monthly calendar pages reflected the monthly resources by way of inspiring design and information. 
The school was further able to add other valuable information to that landing page ie. parent portal link button, link to latest newsletter and school notices, keeping parent, children and teachers connected, growing and thriving. 

Case Study

- Increased MORALE & SELF

primary school

click here to learn how a calendar can work for your business